Welcome to our Multiple Era Re-enactment Acting Guild! Portraying the people of the Isle of Mann and all those
that land upon its shores. Thistle House is an historical re-enactment guild which trains new folk in the ways of a Renaissance
actor and promotes the teaching of history to our young at heart. Welcoming all those willing to learn how to portray people
of that time period and experience history as an actor in an actual reconstructed encampment at a Renaissance Fair. We train
those who wish to be peasants, crafters, merchants, warriors, sailors, people of the Isle / Irish/ highlanders, nobles,
Knights, Dames,and Royalty.
The guild is associated with the following times
- Medieval 1066-1400 during the reigns of the Kings of the Isle of Mann, William the Conqueror, William Wallace, Robert
the Bruce,
- Renaissance 1500- 1603 during the reigns of The Prince of the Isle of Mann, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I , Mary Queen of Scotts,
King Louis of France .
- Victorian 1837-1900 during the reign of Queen Victoria.
Our specific purpose is to teach history by means of re-enactment and visual
demonstration. The guild is led by credentialed teachers of Arts, Theatre, Science, and History. There are many reasons why
one should consider becoming part of our organization, especially if he or she loves history, its speech, clothing, foods, crafts
and weaponry. We teach our members these topics so they can enlighten others.
Please get in touch and join our mailing list.
call Guild Mistress Dame Cora at (209) 295-1858
Her Majesty creates a new knight |